Our Mission
Helping people take their next step toward Christ. We believe all people matter to God and that Christ’s message and ministry through the local church is the hope of the world.
Pastor Pat Tracey
Pat Tracey, Senior Pastor of Pat Tracey International Ministries was born and raised in Ottawa, Canada.
Pat heeded to God’s call in healing and the prophetic. A former Assistant Pastor (Église Source Abondante), Minister Pat has seen many healed through prophetic words and the presence of God since the founding of Pat Tracey International Ministries in 2006. “The impossible is possible,” she says. “God is here now for everybody.”
PTIM’s mission is to bring people into a closer relationship with Christ. Over the past 10 years, the ministry has changed the course of how people walk in God and how they view God. It cautions religious striving and places emphasis on the fact that faith comes by hearing the words of Jesus. PTIM encourages every believer into a direct relationship with the Lord so they can be guided by His Holy Spirit.
Pat Tracey started PTIM to fulfill the call of God on her life and to make a difference. She had visitations from the Lord from an early age, and in her early 20s felt the hand of God pulling her back into His house in the areas of healing and restoration. “I think I've always had a sense of healing, in the healing ministry, that I Through prophetic impartation and words", she came to the knowledge of her destiny in Christ. Since then she has preached internationally, predominantly across the United States and Canada.